Monday, March 28, 2016


Lombok tourism object
No body doubt, how beautiful beach in Lombok is, the scenery when the sunrise.visiting amazing place in lombok will give you unforgetable impression.if you like surfing try to come to Lombok .these are some famous tourism object that you must visit:
1.Lombok Kuta beach
This is not kuta beach which is there in Bali, But a beautiful beach at south of lombok island. Lombok kuta beach is one of an interesting tourism place in Lombok

Kuta beach Lombok
Kuta beach in Lombok is located  in  Kuta village , located near International Lombok airport, it takes about less than 1,5 hours by car.
2. Senggigi Beach
This is the most popular tourism object in Lombok. Senggigi beach in lombok has a very beautiful beach. Many tourists from abroad came to this beach. Senggigi beach become interesting place with it’s beach scenery seen from far and high place.

Tourists who came to this beach spending their time by basking, Snorkling, and playing in the edge of beach.

3. Desert Point (bangko-Bangko) Lombok
This is a place that must you visit if you want to enjoy surfing .one of the most famous place for surfing in Indonesia, it has been climed as one of the tenth dangerous wave for surfing according to International surfing Association.

4. Rinjani Mountain
Rinjani is one of national park, which is a protected Ecosystem by the Indonesia goverment with savannah and rain forest character

5. Gili Air, Gili Meno and Gili Terawang in Lombok
It is known as three exotic islets in Lombok, it becoming favorite place of tourist from abroad. It has clean sea water, white sand, coral reefs, and some charming fish.

There are many tourists come to gili to enjoy the bauty of the beach by swimming, snorkling, the public facility is easy to find like hotel, cafe , restorant , bar and soon.

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